6 Most Correct Habits For A Web Developer

6 Most Correct Habits For A Web Developer

Habits For A Web Developer

Surely, you have been aware of the habits that can facilitate your life as well as those that complicate it. Today we’ll talk about the most useful habits for web developers and outsourcing software developers.

Do not reinvent the wheel

A tip, especially useful for beginners: make a habit of using well-known approaches and templates, canonical solutions, and software libraries for solving problems. To do this, you need to actively seek, study, and process, experience in real projects. Doing this you solve several problems at once: save time and your strengths, solve problems in proven ways, and study the experience gained by other developers for you. Of course, you should not include a whole framework in the project for the sake of a single function, but you should not invent, for example, your array sorting algorithm as well, if this is not the aim of the project.

Keep abreast of IT events

Another good habit associated with the previous one for the web developer. You should use templates to perform tasks, you need to find them, and for this – constantly monitor everything that happens in your web development area.

Develop an emotional intelligence

The habit of not condemning, but entering into the position of another person, regardless of the adequacy of his appeal to you, can often do a good job. “To understand a criminal, think like a criminal,” investigators say among themselves, and this is the right advice for absolutely all people. The ability to listen, understand, and adapt to the emotional state of another person is a useful skill that needs to be regularly trained. Try to do this consciously at first – for example, once a day to observe your own behavior in a conversation as if from the outside and adjust it in accordance with the emotional level of the interlocutor. Perhaps it makes sense to periodically read psychology literature for this (not to the detriment of work tasks, of course).

Develop algorithms

No matter how good and detailed the technical assignment may seem to you before you start writing code, you should compile and work out all the algorithms that solve its individual parts. Indeed, most often all questions arise not when reading the assignment, but already in the process of completing the task or, even worse, when the project is delivered to the customer. Often, it is at the end of the work that differences arise in understanding the tasks between the customer and the contractor, and this rarely adds optimism. At a minimum, this forces us to devote much more time to our work than it seemed at first, more often than not, this happens “at our own expense”.

Upgrade your English skills regularly.

The important skill, the development of which is also worth turning into a habit. In the world of web-development it won’t go anywhere far without English. We hope that you probably understand that. The vast majority of new books, technical documentation, articles, notes, and even comments in code are written in English. Therefore, it is useful to accustom yourself to learn at least five new words a day, start at least one conversation in English with a client/colleague (if possible). Watching TV shows with English voice acting or singing songs in English will also help. And try to take courses to improve the level of the language at least once a year – such certificates will definitely not be redundant for you. That will help you to become a great web developer.

Sleep at night for a web developer

Which of us did not sit on a sleepless night at work, sincerely convinced that when the deadlines are on, there is no other way but to work without sleep? Coffee, energy drinks, and as a result – autopilot the next day as the smallest of consequences. The truth is that at night without sleep, brain productivity decreases several times: that is, in eight sleepless hours you will do exactly as much work as in two or three hours on a fresh head. So does it make sense not to sleep, if there is a chance to do everything productively in the morning?

We hope that you accept all these tips and be as healthy and productive as possible.